When At Last
When at last she had had her fill of consoling herself with tears,
and questioning whether she was wrong,
and pretending it didn't matter,
and when the air within her from swallowing so much resentment threatened to makes her explode from within,
and the muffled gags of don't rock the boat made her sea sick,
and the little innocent girl inside her screamed so loudly that it made her ears ring,
and the young manipulated woman buried within broke through her last chain link of self-hatred,
and the hurt that had been the source of her shrinking was fully unmasked,
and the men that had once owned her were each mentally castrated of their power,
her voice returned to its place of proper priority.
And she will no longer have her truth squelched,
and she will no longer be hushed or shushed,
and she will no longer have her worth or her opinions questioned,
or the importance of her thoughts and concerns,
or the accuracy of her memories,
or the value of her truth,
or the fullness of her big, beautiful spirit.
For she rises now as a survivor from the ashes of what once was but is no longer
to reclaim the fearlessness and passion that was previously her life force,
to stand firmly in the self-love and boldness that was slowly and unjustly taken from her,
and to bask in the light that has waited patiently for her return to self.
Here, in this moment, her story makes a sharp turn toward her destiny, while the universe waits with baited breath for the celebration of her becoming.
Chris Colyer
September 29, 2019